Looking for songs, videos, games and activities that are suitable for Kindergarten Kids?
Check out our collection of:
Math resources and worksheets to help your child or student learn the numbers from 1 to 100, skip counting, comparing, addition, subtraction, telling time, money, measurement, pattern, shapes, and colors.
Literacy resources to help your child or student learn phonics, short and long vowels, rhyming words, reading and sight words.
There are lots of songs, stories and games to make learning fun, engaging and effective.
See Also:
Common Core for Kindergarten
Adding 1 (in order)
Adding 1 (not in order)
Adding 2 (in order)
Adding 2 (not in order)
Adding 3 (in order)
Adding 3 (not in order)
Adding 4 (in order)
Adding 4 (not in order)
Adding 5 (in order)
Adding 5 (not in order)
Adding 6 (in order)
Adding 6 (not in order)
Adding 7 (in order)
Adding 7 (not in order)
Adding 8 (in order)
Adding 8 (not in order)
Adding 9 (in order)
Adding 9 (not in order)
Adding 10 (in order)
Adding 10 (not in order)
Add 2 Numbers (sums up to 10)
Add 2 Numbers (sums up to 18)
One More Than
One Less Than
More, Less or Same
More or Less
Adding Objects
Subtracting Objects
Addition up to 5
Subtraction within 5
Addition & Subtraction within 5
Numbers that Add to 10 (eg. 8 + __ = 10)
Compose Teen Numbers (eg. 10 + 9 = __)
Decompose Teen Numbers (eg. 10 + __ = 16)
What is Subtraction?
Elmo had four ducks. Subtracting cookies. Subtracting dots
Subtraction 1
Bowling Subtraction. Rabbit Subtraction. Classroom Subtracting. Five bears in the bed.
Subtraction 2
Amazing Mumford?. Pineapple Subtraction Act. Kermit talks about subtraction. Oscar’s subtraction show. Peacock subtraction.
Number line subtraction
Addition & subtraction with apples.
Subtracting 1
Subtracting 2
Subtracting 3
Subtracting 4
Subtracting 5
Subtracting 6
Subtracting 7
Subtracting 8
Subtracting 9
Subtracting 10
Subtraction (Minuend up to 10)
Subtraction (Minuend up to 18)
Target Take Away
Recognize subtraction as ’taking away’. Remove a smaller number from a larger and find how many are left by counting back from the larger.
More Subtraction Games
Hickory Dickory Clock
Feed the mouse by reading the analogue clocks. If you get it wrong the cat will be after you! (including half past, quarter to and quarter past.)
More Time Games
The Coin Song: Penny, Nickel, Dime, Quarter
Coin-counting Stories and Songs
Coin counting lesson. How many pennies equal a dime? Quarters - Coin counting song. The value of a dollar song.
Money Games
Learn to recognize Patterns
Cowboy Patterns. Guess whats next? The detective finds a pattern. Horseshoe and boot pattern.
Shapes 1
Learn about square, triangle, circle, oval, rectangle and diamond, corners and sides.
Shapes 2
Sort the shapes, symmetry, colors and shapes
Compare 2D & 3D Shapes
Describe Shapes: sides & corners
Compose Shapes
Compose simple shapes to form larger shapes.
Shape Games
Color Flash Cards
Flash cards to help the children learn and recognize colors
Colors & Reading Games
The purpose of this game is to help your beginner reader to recognize and spell the basic color words. It is geared for children ages five to six years old.
Color & Shape Learning Games
More Color Games
Try the free Mathway calculator and
problem solver below to practice various math topics. Try the given examples, or type in your own
problem and check your answer with the step-by-step explanations.
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