One More Than Worksheets

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Printable “More or Less” Worksheets for Kindergarten:
One More Than
One Less Than
More, Less or Same
More or Less

One More Than Worksheets

Introducing the concept of “1 more than a given number” to kindergarten students involves helping them understand the idea of counting one additional item. Understanding the concept of “1 more than” lays the foundation for addition and helps students develop a sense of number progression.

  1. Ask students to count “1 more” than the given number.
  2. Engage in interactive activities where students physically add one more item to a set. For example, if there are three apples, add one more to make it four.
  3. Repeat the concept with different numbers, reinforcing the idea that “1 more” means adding one to the current quantity.
  4. Use simple language such as “One more means adding one,” or “What comes after 3? It’s 1 more than 3.”
  5. Have students draw a certain number of objects and then draw “1 more” next to them. Count together.

Count the number of objects, then add one by drawing and give the new count. Learn one more than a given number by counting and drawing. Fill in the missing numbers.

Count the balloons and basketballs. Draw 1 more and count the balloons and basketballs now. Write how many.

How many balloons did you count before drawing 1 more? What did you notice when you drew 1 more?
How many basketballs did you count before drawing 1 more? What did you notice when you drew 1 more?
Do you think there is always a number that is 1 more than the number you are saying?

Step-by-step explanations and solutions for the following worksheet can be found here.

Click on the following worksheet to get a printable pdf document.
Scroll down the page for more One More Than Worksheets.

One More Than worksheet for kindergarten

More One More Than Worksheets

Count the objects. Draw one more object. Color and write how many.
Write the missing numbers. Draw objects to show the numbers.

One More Than Worksheet #1
One More Than Worksheet #2
One More Than Worksheet #3
One More Than Worksheet #4
One More Than Worksheet #5
One More Than Worksheet #6
One More Than Worksheet #7

Adding Objects
Subtracting Objects

Addition up to 5
Subtraction within 5
Addition & Subtraction within 5

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