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Long U
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Phonic Sounds
English for Kids
Examples, videos, stories, and songs to help Grade 1 kids learn about the short vowel “U” and long vowel “U” with fun.
Short “U” and Long “U” Sounds
The short “U” sound and long “U” sound are two vowel sounds in English. They are pronounced differently and appear in different types of words.
Short “U” Sound
Description: The short “u” sound is a quick and relaxed sound, as in “cup."
Common Words: Appears in CVC (Consonant-Vowel-Consonant) words or words with simple vowel sounds.
Examples of Short “U” Words
CVC Words: cup, bus, bug, run, sun
Blends and Digraphs: drum, truck, brush, chunk
Other Words: umbrella, uncle, under
Long “U” Sound
The long “U” sound can have two pronunciations:
The /juː/ Sound (Yoo)
This is the more traditional “long U” sound and sounds like “yoo” (as in unicorn). It begins with a “y” sound followed by the “oo” sound.
Examples of /juː/ (Yoo):
U_E Words: cube, mule, fuse
Open Syllable Words: human, music, unit
UE Words: value, rescue, argue
EW Words: few, new, view
The /uː/ Sound (Oo)
This version of the long “U” sound is a simple “oo” sound, as in flute. It doesn’t have the “y” sound at the beginning.
Examples of /uː/ (Oo):
U_E Words: flute, brute, rule
UE Words: blue, true, glue
EW Words: stew, grew, chew
OO Words: moon, food, soon
The following diagram shows some examples of short U and long U words. Scroll down the page for more examples and stories using the short U and long U words.
What Sounds Can “U” Make?
Let’s learn about “U” and the different sounds this letter can make! Long “U” sounds are present in words like “Unique” and “cUte”, while short “U” sounds can be found in words like “fUn” and “Umbrella”.
Long Vowel u | Magic e | CVCe
Chicken Jane and the Muddy Bunny - short u sound
What’s Cooking - Rubbed and Hugged Mutton - short u
Grubby Pup - short u sound
Learning Short Vowels
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Learning Long Vowels
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Compare Short & Long Vowels
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Short & Long O | Short & Long U |
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