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Phonics focuses on teaching the relationship between letters and the sounds they represent. Each letter of the alphabet has specific sounds, and combinations of letters can create new sounds. A digraph is when two letters come together to make one sound.
In these lessons, we will learn the phonic sounds: ch, sh, th, wh and ph. The digraphs CH, SH, TH, WH, and PH are essential parts of English phonics.
The following diagram gives some examples of words that begin with sh, ch, th, wh. Scroll down the page for examples and explanations.
Sounds of ch, sh, th, wh, ph | ||
ch sound | sh sound | th sound |
wh sound | ph sound | English for Kids |
The CH digraph has three different sounds:
/ch/ as in “chair” (most common)
/k/ as in “chorus” (Greek origin)
/sh/ as in “chef” (French origin)
/ch/: chair, chocolate, chop, cheese
/k/: school, chorus, chemistry
/sh/: chef, machine, brochure
ch - Phonics
chin, chuck, chop
Cheese, chalk, chain, chick, chicken, chocolate, cherry, watch
Letterland Spelling Tip: ‘ch’ Sound
The SH digraph always makes the soft /sh/ sound.
sh - Phonics
shop, shut, ship
sheep, shed, shirt, shoes, fish, toothbrush
Letterland Spelling Tip: ‘sh’ Sound
The TH digraph has two sounds:
Voiceless /th/: Air flows freely (as in “think” or “thick”).
Voiced /th/: Vocal cords vibrate (as in “this” or “the”).
th - Phonics - thick, thin, thirsty / this, then, with
The two sounds made by the TH.
One is soft like in the word think.
One is spoken like in the word this.
Let’s Learn About the Digraph th
Phonics Song for Kids
The WH digraph is pronounced as /w/ in modern English but was historically /hw/.
wh - Phonics - where, when, white
wh - whisk, white, wheel, whisper, whenever, whistle, whale, why, where, which, what.
WH Digraph Sound
WH Song and Practice
The PH digraph makes the /f/ sound and is often found in words of Greek origin.
ph words - Phonics - phone, sphere, dolphin
Between the Lions: The “ph” Song (Phish Tribute)
Sounds like an “F” but it’s a ‘PH’.
Consonant Digraphs | ||
CH Sound | SH Sound | Soft TH |
Hard TH | WH Sound | PH Sound |
GH Sound | NG Sound | Consonant Digraphs |
Free Printable Worksheets for Consonant Digraphs
These worksheets focus on the consonant digraphs: ch, sh, th, qu and ng.
Printable Worksheets (Consonant Digraphs) | |
Learning "ch" |
Learning "sh" |
Learning "th" |
Learning "qu" |
Learning "ng" |
Learn the sound of the letters
Learning Short Vowels
Short Vowels | ||
Short A | Short E | Short I |
Short O | Short U | Short Vowels |
Learning Long Vowels
Long Vowels | ||
Long A | Long E | Long I |
Long O | Long U | Y (vowel) |
Long Vowels | Short & Long Vowels |
Compare Short & Long Vowels
Short & Long Vowels | ||
Short & Long A | Short & Long E | Short & Long I |
Short & Long O | Short & Long U |
Learning the Sound of Consonants
Consonant Sounds | ||
B Sound | Hard C | Soft C |
D Sound | F Sound | Hard G |
Soft G | H Sound | J Sound |
K Sound | L Sound | M Sound |
N Sound | P Sound | Q Sound |
P Sound | S Sound | T Sound |
V Sound | W Sound | X Sound |
Y Sound | Z Sound |
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