Short I & Long E Sounds

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The short “i” sound and the long “e” sound are two distinct vowel sounds in English, and it’s important to understand their differences.

The short “i” is a short, relaxed sound.
Examples: bit, sit, win, quick, milk

The long “e” sound is a long, stretched sound.
Examples: see, meet, tree, these, bee

The following diagram shows some examples of words that compare the short i and long e sounds. They are minimal pairs (words that differ by one sound). Scroll down the page for more examples using the short and long vowel pronunciation.

Short I, Long E

Short i vs long e (pronunciation of the English vowels /ɪ/ vs /iː/)
Short i /ɪ/ and long e /iː/ can be hard to distinguish and pronounce distinctly if one of these sounds isn’t in your first language.

Learn the spelling patterns and mouth positions for these two vowel sounds and then practice listening for and pronouncing the difference.

/I/ Pronunciation English Meeting ESL Lesson
Pronunciation of vowel sound /I/.

/æ/ Pronunciation English Meeting ESL Lesson
This pronunciation video focuses on a vowel sound at the beginning and middle of words, along with sentences (as in fat, back, etc.)

Short o pronunciation and spelling for American English pronunciation
English Short O Sound - /ɑ/ The words job, hot, college, October, store, Ross, and Costco are all pronounced with the same English short O sound - /ɑ/.

Short & Long Vowels

Short Vowels
Short A Short E Short I
Short O Short U Short Vowels

Long Vowels
Long A Long E Long I
Long O Long U Y (vowel)
Long Vowels Short, Long Vowels

Short & Long Vowels
Short & Long A Short & Long E Short & Long I
Short & Long O Short & Long U Short I & Long E

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