Equal Groups Worksheets

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Printable “Equal Groups” worksheets:
Learning Equal Groups
Equal Groups & Repeated Addition
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Equal Groups Worksheets

In second grade, students typically start learning about equal groups as part of their understanding of multiplication and division concepts. Equal groups involve dividing a set of objects or items into equal-sized groups.

Understanding Equal Groups:

  1. Introduction to Multiplication: Equal groups are often introduced in the context of multiplication. For example, if you have 3 groups of 4 apples, you can express this as 3×4, which means 3 groups each containing 4 apples.
  2. Repeated Addition: Equal groups can be represented using repeated addition. In the example above, 3×4 is the same as 4+4+4. This helps students see the relationship between multiplication and repeated addition.
  3. Drawing Equal Groups: Students may be asked to draw pictures or use manipulatives to represent equal groups. For instance, if they need to represent 2 groups of 5 stars, they can draw two circles, each containing 5 stars.
  4. Division Connection: Understanding equal groups is closely connected to the concept of division. If you have 12 cookies and want to share them equally among 3 friends, you are dividing 12 by 3.

Understanding equal groups lays the foundation for multiplication and division concepts that students will continue to build upon in later grades. Providing a variety of activities and real-life examples helps reinforce the understanding of equal groups in a meaningful way.

Have a look at this video if you need to learn how to divide objects into equal groups.

Click on the following worksheet to get a printable pdf document.
Scroll down the page for more Equal Groups Worksheets.

Equal Groups for Second Grade

More Equal Groups Worksheets

(Answers on the second page)
Equal Groups Worksheet #1
Equal Groups Worksheet #2

Addition Fluency (eg. 11 + 7)
Make 10 strategy (eg. 67 + 4)
Missing Addend (eg. __ + 7 = 15)
Missing Addend, Multiples of 10 (eg. 22 + __ = 30)

Compensation Addition (eg. 98 + 79)
Arrow Addition (eg. 450 + 360)
Make 100 Strategy (eg. 440 + 280)

More Printable Worksheets

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