Volume And Surface Area Games

Our directory of Free Volume and Surface Area Games and Worksheets - games and worksheets that teach, build or strengthen your geometry math skills and concepts while having fun. We categorize and review the games listed here to help you find the volume and surface area math online games you may be looking for. We have volume games, surface area games and capacity games.

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Geometry Games
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Volume Formulas
Surface Area Formulas
Solid Geometry

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Check out the following:

  • Volume and Surface Area Games - Explore the volumes and surface areas of solids or 3D objects.
  • Volume and Capacity Games.
  • Volume and Surface Area Worksheets.
Volume & Surface Area Games
Volume Games Surface Area Games Capacity Games
Volume Worksheets Surface Area Worksheets Math Worksheets

Volume Games

Fill a box with cubes, rows of cubes, or layers of cubes. The number of unit cubes needed to fill the entire box is known as the volume of the box. Can you determine a rule for finding the volume of a box if you know its width, depth, and height?
Geometry - Volume
A quiz on the volume of rectangular prisms.
What is the volume?
Calculate the volume of cubes and rectangular prisms.
What is the volume?
Calculate the volume of cubes and rectangular prisms (Grade 5).
Surface Area and Volume Quiz
Select the correct formula for the surface area and volume of different shapes.
Volume Game
Click the shapes with the required volume.
Count the Cubes
Count the number of cubes. Be careful, some may be hidden.
Calculate volume of rectangular prisms
Interactive Activity to practice calculating the volume of rectangular prisms.
Volume of Complex Figures
Online quiz on calculating the volume of complex figures

Surface Area Games

Surface Area of Complex Figures
Calculate the Surface Area of Complex Figures.
Surface Area: cubes, prisms
Calculate the surface area of cubes and rectangular prisms.
Surface Area of Cubes and Rectangular Prisms
Calculate the surface area of cubes and rectangular prisms.
Surface Area
Calculate the surface area and of solid shapes.

Capacity Games

Can You Fill It?
Choose the pots to fill up the container.
Filled to Capacity
Compare the volume of different liquids and find the difference.
Capacity Countdown
Read the scales to find the volume of the rocket fuel.
Capacity Countdown
Read the scales to find the volume of the rocket fuel.
Compare Capacity
Identify objects that hold more, less, and the same amount. (Suitable for 1st grade)
Recipe Remix Converting Volume
Review the various units of measurements, then test your knowledge of conversions by completing delectable bakery recipes. Do you have what it... bakes?

Volume Worksheets

Volume of Rectangular Prisms
Volume of Composite Rectangular Prisms
Volume of Rectangular Prisms Word Problems
Volume of Prisms
Volume of Composite Prisms
Volume of Prism Word Problems

Volume of Cylinders
Volume of Sphere
Volume of Prisms & Pyramids
Volume of Square Pyramids
Volume of Cones

Surface Area Worksheets

Nets of Solid Figures
Find Surface Area using Nets
Surface Area of Rectangular Prisms
Surface Area of Right Prisms
Surface Area of Solids (include composite solids)

Surface Area of Cylinder
Surface Area of Sphere
Surface Area of Solids I
Surface Area of Solids II
Surface Area of Solids III
Surface Area of Solids IV
Surface Area of Solids V
Surface Area of Cylinders & Pipes
Surface Area of Cylinders & Spheres

Surface Area And Volume Worksheets

Surface Area and Volume of Cube
Surface Area & Volume of Rectangular Prisms (Cuboids)
Volume and Surface Area of Cylinder
Volume and Surface Area of Sphere

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