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Recursive and Explicit Functions

Related Topics:
Common Core (Functions)
Common Core for Mathematics

Examples, solutions, videos, and lessons to help High School students learn how to write arithmetic and geometric sequences both recursively and with an explicit formula, use them to model situations, and translate between the two forms.

Common Core: HSF-BF.A.2
Recursive and Explicit Equations
Common Core State Standard F-BF.1. Explanation of Recursive equations and Explicit Equations.
Comparing Arithmetic Sequences in Explicit and Recursive Forms.

Comparing Geometric Sequences in Explicit and Recursive Forms.
Linear Growth: Recursive and Explicit Equations Part 1
This video explains how to express linear growth using recursive and explicit equations. Linear Growth: Recursive and Explicit Equations Part 2
This video explains how to express linear growth using recursive and explicit equations. Exponential Growth: Recursive and Explicit Equations Part 1
This video explains how to express exponential growth using recursive and explicit equations. Exponential Growth: Recursive and Explicit Equations Part 2
This video explains how to express exponential growth using recursive and explicit equations. Translating between Recursive and Explicit Arithmetic Sequences
How to translate a recursive arithmetic sequence into an explicit arithmetic sequence.

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