Radicals and Conjugates

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Radicals and Conjugates

Student Outcomes

  • Students understand that the sum of two square roots (or two cube roots) is not equal to the square root (or cube root) of their sum.
  • Students convert expressions to simplest radical form.
  • Students understand that the product of conjugate radicals can be viewed as the difference of two squares.

New York State Common Core Math Algebra II, Module 1, Lesson 9

Worksheets for Algebra 2


Opening Exercise

Which of these statements are true for all 𝑎, 𝑏 > 0? Explain your conjecture.

Example 1:

Express √50 −√18 + √8 in simplest radical form and combine like terms.

Exercises 1–5

Example 2

Multiply and combine like terms. Then explain what you notice about the two different results.

Exercise 6

  1. Find the product of the conjugate radicals.

Example 3

Lesson Summary Radicals and Conjugates

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