Addition to 6 Worksheet

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Printable Learning Addition Worksheets for Kindergarten:
Addition up to 6
Addition up to 7
Addition up to 8
Addition up to 9
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Addition to 6

Teaching addition up to 6 in kindergarten involves introducing basic concepts of combining numbers.

  1. Students to use their fingers for counting. Start with a number (e.g., 3) and ask them to show the corresponding fingers. Then, count how many fingers are raised and add more to reach 6.
  2. Create number bonds with the number 6 in the center and two parts on either side (e.g., 3 + 3, 4 + 2). Use visuals or objects to illustrate these combinations.
  3. Write simple addition sentences on the board or on paper (e.g., 2 + 4, 1 + 5) and encourage students to use counters or drawings to solve them.
  4. Use everyday objects like counters, buttons, or toys. Place a set of objects (e.g., 3) and add more to reach 6. Count aloud as you add.
  5. Create simple story problems involving addition to 6. For instance, “You have 2 apples, and then you get 4 more. How many apples do you have in total?”

Click on the following worksheet to get a printable pdf document.
Scroll down the page for more Addition to 6 Worksheets.

Addition to 6 worksheet for kindergarten

More Addition to 6 Worksheets

Addition to 6 Worksheet #1
Addition to 6 Worksheet #2

Have a look at the following lesson if you need review how to add up to 6.
Add up to 6

Adding Objects
Subtracting Objects

Addition up to 5
Subtraction within 5
Addition & Subtraction within 5

More Printable Worksheets

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