Add Fractions Numerically

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Videos, examples, and solutions to help Grade 5 students learn how to add fractions by making like units numerically.

Common Core Standards: 5.NF.1, 5.NF.2
Worksheets for Grade 5

Lesson 9 Application Problem
Hannah and her friend are training to run in a 2 mile race. On Monday, Hannah runs 1/2 mile. On Tuesday, she runs 1/5 mile further than she ran on Monday.
a. How far did Hannah run on Tuesday?
b. If her friend ran 3/4 mile on Tuesday, how many miles did the girls run in all on Tuesday?

Lesson 9 Concept Development
Problem 1: 1/2 + 1/5
Problem 2: 1/2 + 2/3
Problem 3: 5/9 + 5/6
Problem 4: 2/3 + 1/4 + 1/2

This video shows how to add fractions by making like units numerically.

Lesson 9 Problem Set

  1. First make like units. Then add.
    b) 1/4 + 9/8 =
    f) 3/4 + 5/6 =

Lesson 9 Homework

  1. Make like units, then add. Use an equation to show your thinking.
    a) 3/5 + 1/3 =
    h) 5/6 + 1 1/4 =
  2. Ms. How buys a bag of rice to cook dinner. She used 3/5 kg of rice and still had 2 1/4 kg left. How heavy was the bag of rice that Ms. How bought?

Lesson 9 Homework
This video demonstrates how to add fractions by creating equivalent fractions numerically.

  1. Make like units, then add. Use an equation to show your thinking.
    a) 3/5 + 1/3 =
    d) 2/5 + 1/4 + 1/10 =
  1. Joe spends 2/3 of his money on a jacket and 3/8 of his money on a shirt. He spends the rest on a pair of pants. What fraction of his money does he use to buy the pants?

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