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Tenths and Hundredths

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Common Core For Grade 4

Examples, videos, and solutions to help Grade 4 students learn how to model the equivalence of tenths and hundredths using the area model and number disks.

Topic B: Tenths and Hundredths

Common Core Standards: 4.NF.5, 4.NF.6, 4.NBT.1, 4.NF.1, 4.NF.7, 4.MD.1

NYS Common Core Grade 4 Module 6, Lesson 5

Worksheets for Grade 4

Lesson 5 Concept Development

Problem 1: Simplify hundredths by division.

Problem 2: Model hundredths with an area model.

Problem 3: Compose hundredths to tenths using number disks and then represent with a number bond.

Problem 4: Use numbers disks to represent a decimal fraction. Write the equivalent decimal in unit form.

Lesson 5 Problem Set

1. Find the equivalent fraction using multiplication or division. Shade the area models to show the equivalency. Record it as a decimal.

2. Complete the number sentences. Shade the equivalent amount on the area model, drawing horizontal lines to make hundredths.
a. 37 hundredths = _____tenths + ____ hundredths
Fraction form: ______
Decimal form: ______
b. 75 hundredths = ____ tenths + ____ hundredths
Fraction form: ______
Decimal form: ______

3. Circle hundredths to compose as many tenths as you can. Complete the number sentences. Represent each with a number bond as shown.

4. Use both tenths and hundredths number disks to represent each number. Write the equivalent number in decimal, fraction, and unit form.

Lesson 5 Homework

1. Find the equivalent fraction using multiplication or division. Shade the area models to show the equivalency. Record it as a decimal.

2. Complete the number sentences. Shade the equivalent amount on the area model, drawing horizontal lines to make hundredths.
a. 36 hundredths = _____tenths + ____ hundredths
Decimal form: _________
Fraction form: _________
b. 82 hundredths = ____ tenths + ____ hundredths
Decimal form: _________
Fraction form: _________

3. Circle hundredths to compose as many tenths as you can. Complete the number sentences. Represent each with a number bond as shown.

4. Use both tenths and hundredths number disks to represent each number. Write the equivalent number in decimal, fraction, and unit form.

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