Picture Graph Worksheets

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Picture Graph Worksheets

Picture graphs, also known as pictographs, are a good way to introduce young learners, like second graders, to data visualization.

Picture graphs use pictures or symbols to represent data points instead of numbers.
Each picture or symbol corresponds to a certain quantity or frequency.
The graph typically has a title and clearly labeled categories along the axis.

How to Create a Picture Graph?

  1. Gather data: Choose a topic and collect information through surveys, observations, or other methods.
  2. Select pictures or symbols: Choose symbols that are readily understandable and relatable to the data (e.g., apples for favorite fruits, cars for types of vehicles).
  3. Assign values: Determine how many pictures or symbols will represent each unit of data (e.g., one apple for every two students who like apples).
  4. Draw the graph: Create a chart with labeled categories and draw the corresponding number of pictures or symbols for each category.
  5. Analyze and discuss: Look for patterns or trends in the data and discuss the information the graph reveals.

Have a look at this video if you need to learn how to draw a picture graph.

Click on the following worksheet to get a printable pdf document.
Scroll down the page for more Picture Graph Worksheets.

Picture Graph

More Picture Graph Worksheets

(Answers on the second page)
Picture Graph Worksheet #1
Picture Graph Worksheet #2

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