Missing Addend Word Problem Worksheets

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Missing Addend Word Problem Worksheets

A missing addend word problem typically involves finding the unknown value that needs to be added to another given value to achieve a specific sum.

Finding the missing addend in grade 1 involves introducing young learners to basic addition concepts and helping them understand the relationship between the numbers in an addition equation.

  1. Use Visual Aids:
    Begin with visual aids such as pictures, counters, or drawings to represent the given value and the missing addend. This helps students visualize the problem.
  2. Set Up the Equation:
    Formulate a simple addition equation with a blank space representing the missing addend.
    Given Value + ___ = Sum
    and ask students to figure out what number goes in the blank.
  3. Encourage Counting On:
    Encourage students to count on from the given value to the sum to find the missing addend. This helps reinforce the concept of addition.
  4. Concrete Examples:
    Use concrete examples related to students’ daily experiences. For instance, if there were 4 apples, and a few more were added to make a total of 11. How many apples were added?
    4 + ___ = 7
    Use counters or drawings to represent 4. Then, ask students to count on from 4 to reach 7. The missing addend is 3.

Hands-On Activities: Engage students in hands-on activities where they physically manipulate objects to understand addition.

The goal is to make the learning experience concrete, visual, and interactive, laying the foundation for a deeper understanding of addition concepts as students progress through grade 1 and beyond.

Have a look at this video if you need to review how to solve word problems with missing addends.

Click on the following worksheet to get a printable pdf document.
Scroll down the page for more Missing Addend Word Problem Worksheets.

Missing Addend Word Problem for First Grade

More Missing Addend Word Problem Worksheets

(Answers on the second page)
Missing Addend Word Problem Worksheet #1
Missing Addend Word Problem Worksheet #2
Missing Addend Word Problem Worksheet #3
Missing Addend Word Problem Worksheet #4

Missing Addend Word Problem Lesson

Addition within 10 (eg. 3 + 5)
Addition within 20 (eg. 6 + 8)
Adding Doubles (eg. 3 + 3)
Mixed Single Digit Addition
Missing Addend (sums < 10) (eg. __ + 5 = 7)

More Printable Worksheets

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