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Line Plots (Grade 2)

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Common Core For Grade 2

Videos, examples, lessons, songs, and solutions to help Grade 2 students learn to generate measurement data by measuring lengths of several objects to the nearest whole unit, or by making repeated measurements of the same object. Show the measurements by making a line plot, where the horizontal scale is marked off in whole-number units.

Common Core: 2.MD.9

Suggested Learning Target

  • I can measure and record the lengths of several objects to the nearest whole-number.
  • I can create a line plot with a horizontal scale marked off in whole-number units.
  • I can record length measurements on a line plot.
The following activities were obtained from the Howard County Public School System.

Activity 1
  1. Classroom items placed in a brown paper bag or shoebox.  Items should be less than 10 inches long. 
  2. Line Plot Page
  3. Ruler, pencils

  1. Take a Line Plot Measurements page.
  2. Both players will label the axis of your line plot 1-10 inches.
  3. Player 1 will pull one item out of the bag.
  4. Player 1 will measure it with the ruler.
  5. Record your measurement on the axis.
  6. Player 2 will pull one item out of the bag.
  7. Player 2 will measure it with the ruler.
  8. Record your measurement on the axis.
  9. Repeat until all items have been measured.
Activity 2

  1. Line Plot page. 
  2. Ruler for each child.
  3. Sticky note for each child.
  1. Teacher will draw a horizontal line on the chalkboard at the front of the room.
  2. Teacher will direct students to measure the pencil they are using.
  3. Students will write the length of their pencil on their sticky note.
  4. Teacher will direct students to come up to the chalkboard and place their sticky note along the appropriate place on the line plot.

Making a line plot
How to make a line plot
Math Workshop Lesson on Line Plots
This is a second grade lesson on line plots addressing the Common Core State Standard 2.MD.9.

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