Greater or Less than Symbols Worksheets

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Greater than or Less than Worksheets

(Using greater than and less than symbols)

Teaching greater than (>) and less than (<) symbols to grade 1 students using an alligator mouth is a popular and effective visual method. The alligator mouth represents the concept that the alligator always wants to eat the larger quantity.

  1. Introduction to Alligator Mouth:
    Introduce the greater than and less than symbols by associating them with an alligator’s open mouth.
    Explain that the alligator always wants to eat the larger number.
  2. Greater Than (>) Symbol: This symbol is used to represent the relationship where one quantity is larger or greater than another. Example: 5 > 3 reads as “5 is greater than 3.”
  3. Less Than (<) Symbol: This symbol is used to represent the relationship where one quantity is smaller or less than another. Example: 3 < 5 reads as “3 is less than 5.”

Have a look at this video if you need to review how to use greater than or less than symbols when comparing two numbers.

Click on the following worksheet to get a printable pdf document.
Scroll down the page for more Greater or Less than Symbols Worksheets.

Greater or Less than Symbols

More Greater than or Less than Worksheets

(Answers on the second page)
Greater or Less than Symbols Worksheet #1
Greater or Less than Symbols Worksheet #2 (Place Value Charts)
Greater or Less than Symbols Worksheet #3
Greater or Less than Symbols Worksheet #4
Greater or Less than Symbols Worksheet #5
Greater or Less than Symbols Worksheet #6

Greater or Less than Symbols Lesson

Learning the > and < symbols (eg. >, <. =)
Compare Numbers up to 30 (eg. 25 > 17)
Compare Numbers up to 100 (eg. 25 > 17)
Compare Numbers (3-digit) (eg. 534 > 524)

More Printable Worksheets

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