Decomposing Numbers

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Eureka Math/EngageNY Kindergarten, module 4, lesson 10 Common Core Worksheets

New York State Common Core Math Kindergarten, module 4, lesson 10
Worksheets for Kindergarten

Worksheets, solutions, and videos to help Kindergarten students learn how to model decompositions of 8 using a story situation, arrays, and number bonds.

Topic B: Decompositions of 6, 7, and 8 into Number Pairs

Lesson 10 Concept Development and Problem Set

Time for a game of Snap! Hold your 6-stick behind your back. When your partner says, “Snap!” break your 6-stick into two parts. Show your friend one of the parts and see if she can guess the other part. If she can’t guess, show her the missing piece. On your white board, draw the number bond about your game. Then it will be your turn. Try it again with a 7-stick and then a 8-stick!

Fill in the number bond to match.
Color some of the faces orange and the rest blue. Fill in the number bond.
Draw 8 dots, some blue the rest red. Fill in the number bond.
Draw a line to make 2 groups of dots. Fill in the number bond.

  1. In the Problem Set, when you were counting the pineapples and the oranges, were there any sets that you could count faster than the others? Why or why not?
  2. What was the difference when you were filling in the parts of the number bonds for the fruit and the faces? (Parts are divided for you with the fruit. There is a 1 more pattern with the fruit.)
  3. What patterns did you notice when we were working with your 6-stick?
  4. What did you notice about the patterns with the 7- and 8-sticks? Were the patterns similar?
  5. If we were to play the game with a 5-stick, do you think the pattern would still be similar?

Lesson 10 Homework
Color 7 cubes green and 1 blue. Fill in the number bond.
Color 6 cubes green and 2 blue. Fill in the number bond.
Color some cubes green and the rest blue. Fill in the number bond.
Color 4 cubes green and 4 blue. Fill in the number bond.
Color 3 cubes green and 5 blue. Fill in the number bond.
Color some cubes green and the rest blue. Fill in the number bond.

Learning Goal
I can patterns when decomposing numbers 6 - 8.

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