These lessons help students to learn how to solve word problems involving average.
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There are three main types of average problems commonly encountered in school algebra: Average (Arithmetic Mean), Weighted Average and Average Speed.
The following diagram shows the average (arithmetic mean) formula. Scroll down the page for more examples and solutions on how to use formula to solve average word problems.
The average (arithmetic mean) of a list of 6 numbers is 20. If we remove one of the numbers, the
average of the remaining numbers is 15. What is the number that was removed?
Step 1: The removed number could be obtained by the difference between the sum of original 6 numbers and the sum of remaining 5 numbers i.e.
Number removed = sum of original 6 numbers – sum of remaining 5 numbers
Step 2: Using the formula
Sum of Terms = Average × Number of Terms
Sum of original 6 numbers = 20 × 6 = 120
Sum of remaining 5 numbers = 15 × 5 = 75
Step 3: Using the formula from step 1
Number removed = sum of original 6 numbers – sum of remaining 5 numbers
120 – 75 = 45
Answer: The number removed is 45.
Examples of average word problems
How to solve word problems that involve finding the average of a group of numbers?
Word Problems with Averages
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