Probability Games and Worksheets

Our directory of Probability Games and Worksheets available on the Internet. Learn the concepts of probability and test your knowledge of probability. Learn about Probability Experiments, Role Dice, Coin Tossing, Monty Hall etc. We categorize and review the games listed here to help you find the math games you are looking for. We have added more free probability games online that can be played on PCs, Tablets, iPads and Mobiles.

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Free Probability Games Online
Probability Games Probability Worksheets Math Worksheets

Probability Math Games

Probability Fair
This game allows students to earn tokens to the fair by demonstrating their understanding of probability. Once inside the fair, students can play a range of different probability games.
Suitable for Grade 3. Select from Certain, Probable, Unlikely and Impossible.
Monty Hall Game
Are you familiar with Monty Hall's Three Door Dilemma? It's an interesting probability question, and it's amazing how many people don't believe the truth when they hear it! Play the probability simulation to convince yourself of the truth.
Online Spinner
This wonderful online spinner enables you to easily gather independent random events of various kinds. It also automatically sums them up in a table below.
Probability Quiz
This quiz has 10 multiple-choice questions. Click the correct answer for every question, and when you finish click the "Check Score" button.
Ball Picking Machine
The first part of this game consists of some trials in which colored balls are shuffled inside the machine. The first part of this game consists of some trials in which colored balls are shuffled inside the machine. In every trial, two colored balls are given, and you have to estimate the chance of them being picked by the machine. The second part consists of a simulation: Balls are shuffled inside the machine, and every time you pull the handle, a ball is picked. There is a counter for every color, and you get to see the relative frequency of the colors that were picked. In every trial, two colored balls are given, and you have to estimate the chance of them being picked by the machine.
The Slushy Sludger
The concepts of "Impossible", "Probable" and "Certain" are represented in the activity in the terms of "no", "maybe" and "yes".
The Vile Vendor
Practice the concepts of "Impossible", "Unlikely", "Equal", "Likely" and "Certain" with this futuristic vending machine.
Probability as a Fraction
Using a deck of cards to illustrate the concept, this is a step by step tutorial with online practice and a test.
Find Probability
Using school raffle tickets to illustrate the concept, this is a step by step tutorial with online practice and a test.
Snail Race
Two dice are rolled and the sum calculated. The snail with that number takes one step forwards. The first snail to the end of the race track wins. Before playing the students could be asked to predict which snail will win.
Higher or Lower
Use your knowledge of probability to bet on whether the next card is higher or lower than the last one.
Probability Test
Calculate the probability of a single event occurring. Type in your answers as fractions in their lowest terms. You can earn a trophy if you get at least 7 answers correct.

Probability Worksheets

Probability Problems
Complementary Probability
Probability Problems
Probability & Geometry
Mutually Exclusive Probability
Independent Events Probability
Dependent Events Probability

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