Metric Capacity Measurements

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Examples, solutions, homework, and videos to help Grade 4 students learn how to express metric capacity measurements in terms of a smaller unit; model and solve addition and subtraction word problems involving metric capacity.

Common Core Standards: 4.MD.1, 4.MD.2

New York State Common Core Math Grade 4, Module 2, Lesson 3

Worksheets for Grade 4

Grade 4, Module 2, Lesson 3, Problem Set

  1. Complete the table.

  2. Find the missing numbers.
    a. 2 L 500 mL = _____________mL
    b. 70 L 850 mL = _____________mL
    c. 33 L 15 mL = _____________mL
    d. 2 L 8 mL = _____________mL
    e. 3,812 mL = _____ L _______mL
    f. 86,003 mL = _____ L _______mL

  3. Solve.
    a. 1,760 mL + 40 L =
    b. 7 L - 3,400 mL =
    c. Express the answer in the smaller unit:
    25 L 478 mL + 3 L 812 mL =
    d. Express the answer in the smaller unit:
    21 L - 2 L 8 mL =
    e. Express the answer in mixed units:
    7 L 425 mL - 547 mL =
    f. Express the answer in mixed units:
    31 L 433 mL - 12 L 876 mL =

Directions: Use a tape diagram to model each problem. Solve using a simplifying strategy or an algorithm and write your answer as a statement.

4. John’s mother combined 3,500 milliliters of tropical drink, 3 liters 95 milliliters of ginger ale, and 1 liter 600 milliliters of pineapple juice to make punch.
a. Order the quantity of each drink from least to greatest.
b. How much punch did John’s mother make?

Grade 4, Module 2, Lesson 3, Problem Set

5. A family drank 1 liter 210 milliliters of milk at breakfast. If there were 3 liters of milk before breakfast, how much milk is left?

  1. Petra’s fish tank contains 9 liters 578 milliliters of water. If the tank can hold 12 liters 455 milliliters of water, how many more milliliters of water does she need to fill the tank?

Grade 4, Module 2, Lesson 3, Exit Ticket

Use a tape diagram to model the following problem. Solve using a simplifying strategy or an algorithm and write your answer as a statement.
3. The Smith’s hot tub has a capacity of 1,458 liters. Mrs. Smith put 487 liters 750 milliliters of water in the tub. How much water needs to be added to fill the hot tub completely?

Grade 4, Module 2, Lesson 3, Homework

2. Find the missing numbers.
a. 5 L 850 mL = _____________mL
b. 29 L 303 mL = _____________mL
c. 37 L 37 mL = _____________mL
d. 17 L 2 mL = _____________mL
e. 13,674 mL = _____ L _______mL
f. 275,005 mL = _____ L _______mL

3. Solve.
c. Express the answer in the smaller unit:
27 L 576 mL + 784 mL =
e. Express the answer in mixed units:
9 L 213 mL - 638 mL =

Use a tape diagram to model each problem. Solve using a simplifying strategy or an algorithm and write your answer as a statement.
4. Sammy’s bucket was filled with 2,530 milliliters of water, Marie’s bucket was filled with 2 liters 30 milliliters of water, and Katie’s bucket was filled with 2 liters 350 milliliters of water. Whose bucket had the least amount of water?
5. At football practice, the water jug was filled with 18 liters 530 milliliters of water. At the end of practice, there were 795 milliliters left. How much water did the team drink?
6. 27, 545 milliliters of the car’s gas were used. Then 19 liters 878 milliliters more were used. If the gas tank can hold 56 liters 202 milliliters of gas, how much gas remains?

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