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The Volume Formula of a Sphere
Opening Exercise
Picture a marble and a beach ball. Which one would you describe as a sphere? What differences between the two could possibly impact how we describe what a sphere is?
Use your knowledge about the volumes of cones and cylinders to find a volume for a solid hemisphere of radius R.
Lesson Summary
SPHERE: Given a point πΆ in the three-dimensional space and a number π > 0, the sphere with center πΆ and radius π is the set of all points in space that are distance π from the point πΆ.
SOLID SPHERE OR BALL: Given a point πΆ in the three-dimensional space and a number π > 0, the solid sphere (or ball) with center πΆ and radius π is the set of all points in space whose distance from the point πΆ is less than or equal to π.
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