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More Lessons for Kindergarten
Common Core for Kindergarten
Videos and songs to teach Kindergarten kids how to classify objects into given categories; count the numbers of objects in each category and sort the categories by count.
Common Core: K.MD.3
Suggested Learning Target
- I can sort (classify) objects into categories (groups).
- I can determine the number of objects in each category.
- I can sort the categories by number or count.
- I can sort objects by a given attribute.
- I can classify objects by predetermined categories related to attributes (e.g., number of sides, number of corners).
Sorting by Attribute
This is an explanation of how we sort by shape, size and color. We choose one attribute at a time.
Sorting and Counting
I can determine the number of objects in each category.
I can sort the categories by number or count.
Attribute Blocks
How to use the Attribute Blocks game to help Kindergarteners learn about classifying objects?
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