Skip Count by 5's (Grade 2)

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Videos, songs, examples, and solutions to help Grade 2 students count within 1000; skip-count by 5s, 10s, and 100s.

Common Core: 2.NBT.2

Suggested Learning Target

  • I can skip count to 1,000 by 5’s.
  • I can skip count to 1,000 by 10’s.
  • I can skip count to 1,000 by 100’s.
  • I can skip count within 100 using the hundreds chart and 1000 using the thousands chart
  • I can skip count starting from various numbers (e.g., counting by tens starting with 27)
  • I can determine patterns when skip-counting

The following skip count chart shows how to skip count by 5’s. Practice reading the numbers in red to skip count by 5. Scroll down the page for more examples and songs.
Skip Count by 5

Teaching Skip Counting by 5’s using the number chart
Teach kids skip counting by 5’s by using a number grid and reciting 5, 10, 15, 20, until they see the pattern with other numbers.

Skip Counting by 5’s on the 100’s Chart

Counting by 5s on the number chart

Skip Count by 5’s Songs

Counting By Fives Song

Count by 5’s song

Counting by 5’s Song

Exercise and Count by 5’s
Five fingers on my right hand stretch to the left
Five fingers on my right hand stretch to the right
Now, stretch each hand up side-to-side
Use your body and your brain and exercise
And count by fives.

Blasting Off! (Counting by 5’s to 100)- (song for kids)
Blasting off
It’s a rocketship race
Counting by 5’s
As we fly into space!

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