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Reciprocal of a Function

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Examples, solutions, videos, worksheets, games, and activities to help PreCalculus students learn about the reciprocal of a function.

The following diagram shows How to graph the reciprocal of a linear function. Scroll down the page for more examples and solutions on graphing reciprocal functions.

Reciprocal Function

Reciprocal Transformation
One important concept in the study of polynomials is the reciprocal transformation. What happens when we take the reciprocal transformation of a function, or one over the function? Specifically, there are ways to create the graph of the reciprocal transformation of a function from the graph of the function itself. The reciprocal transformation is important in the definition of rational functions.

How to graph the reciprocal of a linear function?
Graphing Reciprocal Functions (Considering sign)
Graphing Reciprocal Functions (Considering symmetry)
Graphing Reciprocal Functions (Cubic + semi-circle examples)

Reciprocal of a Linear Function Part 1
This lesson is about the reciprocal of a linear function and discusses domain and range, along with behavior near both vertical and horizontal asymptotes. This is the first part of a two part lesson. Reciprocal of a Linear Function Part 2 Reciprocal of a Function - part 1 Reciprocal of a Function - part 2 Reciprocal of a Function - part 3

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