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Lessons for Grade 6 math
Integer Worksheets
Looking for videos, worksheets, stories and songs to help
Grade 6 students learn about integers?
In these lessons, we will learn
- how to locate and place integers on a number line
- how to represent and compare integers on a number line
- how to compare and order integers using a number line
- how to identify the opposite of a number
The following figure shows an integer number line. Scroll down the page for examples and solutions.

When comparing and ordering numbers, we should refer to a number
line and look at the position of the number on the line in
relation to 0 to determine its value.Any number to the right is
always greater than any number to the left. This applies to both
positive and negative integers.
When placing integers on a number line, we first look at the sign
to see whether it is a positive or negative number. Then we look
at the digit to determine how far away from 0 the number should
go. All negative numbers are less than 0 and placed to the left of
the 0 on the number line.
How to locate and plot integers on a number line?
Identify which of the following are integers and plot them on the
number line.
0.3, -2, 1/3, -1.2, 0, 2, 9/7, 4.1, -3
Comparing and ordering integers
In this lesson, students learn to compare integers by graphing the
integers on a number line. The integer to the left on the number
line is always less than the integer to the right. Since negative
integers are to the left on a number line, and positive integers are
to the right, a negative integer is always less than a positive
Write the following integers from the least to the greatest.
-12, 7, 0, -1, 11
Arranging Integers from Smallest to Largest on Number Line
Arrange the following integers from the least to the greatest.
-7, 4, -10, 0, 18, -1
How to order integers on the number line and review the definitions
of absolute value and opposites?
The absolute value of a number is the distance between the number
and zero on the number line.
Opposites are two numbers that are the same distance from zero, but
on the opposite side of zero on the number line.
Opposite of a given number
Identify each number in the left column with its opposite in the
right column.
Integers on a Number Line
Learn to represent and compare integers on a number line.
1. To what number is the arrow pointing?
2. What is the opposite of -80°F ?
3. Compare, write > or <. Use a number line to solve.
2 ___ -7
Represent and Compare Integers on a Number Line
Learn to represent and compare integers on a number line.
1. Graph -3 on the number line.
2. Use <, > or = to make a true sentence. Use a number line to
3. Estimate the values for the points A to G and order the points
from the least to the greatest.
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