Student Outcomes
Students recognize and identify solutions to two-variable inequalities. They represent the solution set graphically. They create two variable inequalities to represent a situation.
Students understand that a half-plane bounded by the line is a visual representation of the solution set to a linear inequality such as . They interpret the inequality symbol correctly to determine which portion of the coordinate plane is shaded to represent the solution.
Lesson Summary
An ordered pair is a solution to a two variable inequality if, when each number is substituted into its corresponding variable, it makes the inequality a true number sentence.
Each ordered pair of numbers in the solution set of the inequality corresponds to a point on the coordinate plane.
The set of all such points in the coordinate plane is called the graph of the inequality.
The graph of a linear inequality in the coordinate plane is called a half-plane.
Exit Ticket
What pairs of numbers satisfy the statement: The sum of two numbers is less than 10?
Create an inequality with two variables to represent this situation and graph the solution set.
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