Hide Zero Cards

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Eureka Math/EngageNY Kindergarten, module 5, lesson 6 Common Core Worksheets

New York State Common Core Math Kindergarten, module 5, lesson 6
Worksheets for Kindergarten

Worksheet to learn how to use hide zero cards. Scroll down the page for more examples and solutions.
hide zero cards

Worksheets, solutions, and videos to help Kindergarten students learn how to model with objects and represent numbers 10 to 20 with place value or Hide Zero cards.

Topic B: Compose Numbers 11 to 20 from 10 Ones and Some Ones; Represent and Write Teen Numbers

Lesson 6 Concept Development and Problem Set

There are 18 students, 10 girls and 8 boys. Show the 18 students as 10 girls and 8 boys.

Write and draw the number. Use your Hide Zero cards to help you.

  1. Why do you think we call these cards Hide Zero cards?
  2. How is the number made by the Hide Zero cards different from and the same as the number written with pencil?
  3. How do the cards help you to understand the number 13? 18?
  4. If you didn’t know the 0 was hiding, you might think the ‘1’ in 13 was equal to 1 instead of 10. Then the total value would be 4 because 1 + 3 is 4!

Lesson 6 Homework
Write and draw the number. Use your Hide Zero cards to help you.

Learning Goal
I can describe teen numbers in different ways.

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