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Fun Science Projects & Experiments

Here, we have a collection of science projects, videos and experiments for various grades and topics.

Science Projects or Science Experiments: Grades 4 & 5

Fossil Fuels - Natural Gas and Crude Oil

Formation of Natural Gas and Crude Oil - Exit 1 of 6
Are fossil fuels renewable or non-renewable? Biotic materials decompose to create energy sources such as natural gas and crude oil.
Learn more about natural gas and crude oil: Formation; Migrating and Trapping; Exploration; Drilling and Producing; Refining; and Products by following all six series in this unit.
Migrating and Trapping of Natural Gas and Crude Oil - Exit 2 of 6
Is crude oil and natural gas found in large lakes underneath the earth's surface? Of course, not but many believe this is true. Preview how crude oil and natural gas is be trapped in porous rocks!
Learn more about natural gas and crude oil: Formation; Migrating and Trapping; Exploration; Drilling and Producing; Refining; and Products by following all six series in this unit.

Exploring Natural Gas and Crude Oil - Exit 3 of 6
How do we find these valuable fossil fuels? How do we trap what we cannot see using seismic technology!
Learn more about natural gas and crude oil: Formation; Migrating and Trapping; Exploration; Drilling and Producing; Refining; and Products by following all six series in this unit.
Drilling and Production Natural Gas and Crude Oil - Exit 4 of 6
Once we have discovered the geological potential for natural gas and crude oil, how do we get it out of the ground to be used? Learn how scientific principles affect the flow of fluids and vapors to the surface.
Learn more about natural gas and crude oil: Formation; Migrating and Trapping; Exploration; Drilling and Producing; Refining; and Products by following all six series in this unit.

Refining of Natural Gas and Crude Oil - Exit 5 of 6
How do we turn natural gas and crude oil into useful energy and products used every day?
Learn more about natural gas and crude oil: Formation; Migrating and Trapping; Exploration; Drilling and Producing; Refining; and Products by following all six series in this unit.
Products of Natural Gas and Crude Oil - Exit 6 of 6
There are over 6,000 products refined from crude oil, and 7 out of every 10 homes uses natural gas.
Learn more about natural gas and crude oil: Formation; Migrating and Trapping; Exploration; Drilling and Producing; Refining; and Products by following all six series in this unit.

How Oil Is Found and Made Into Every Day Things

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