Coin Problems - Grade 2

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Examples, videos, and solutions to help Grade 2 students learn how to solve word problems involving the total value of a group of coins.

Common Core Standards: 2.NBT.5, 2.MD.8, 2.NBT.2, 2.NBT.6

New York State Common Core Math Module 7, Grade 2, Lesson 7

Topic B: Problem Solving with Coins and Bills

NYS Math Grade 2, Module 7, Lesson 7
Download Worksheets for Grade 2, Module 7, Lesson 7 (Pdf)

Lesson 7 Homework


  1. Owen has 4 dimes, 3 nickels, and 16 pennies. How much money does he have?
  2. Eli found 1 quarter, 1 dime, and 2 pennies in his desk and 16 pennies and 2 dimes in his backpack. How much money does he have in all?
  3. Carrie had 2 dimes, 1 quarter, and 11 pennies in her pocket. Then she bought a soft pretzel for 35 cents. How much money did Carrie have left?
  4. Ethan had 67 cents. He gave 1 quarter and 6 pennies to his sister. How much money does Ethan have left?
  5. There are 4 dimes and 3 nickels in Susan’s piggy bank. Nevaeh has 17 pennies and 3 nickels in her piggy bank. What is the total value of the money in both piggy banks?
  6. Tison had 1 quarter, 4 dimes, 4 nickels, and 5 pennies. He gave 57 cents to his cousin. How much money does Tison have left?

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