Chain Rule and Partial Derivatives

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A series of free Engineering Mathematics video lessons.

Chain rule: partial derivative
Discuss and solve an example where we calculate partial derivative. The method of solution involves an application of the chain rule. Such an example is seen in 1st and 2nd year university mathematics.

Chain rule: identity involving partial derivatives
Discuss and prove an identity involving partial derivatives. The proof involves an application of the chain rule. Such an example is seen in first and second year university mathematics.

Chain rule and partial derivatives
This video shows how to calculate partial derivatives via the chain rule. Such ideas are seen in first year university.

Partial derivatives and PDEs tutorial
This is basic tutorial on how to calculate partial derivatives. The ideas are applied to show that certain functions satisfy a famous partial differential equation, known as the wave equation. Such ideas are seen in university mathematics.

Partial derivatives and error estimation
I explain the calculus of error estimation with partial derivatives via a simple example. Such ideas are seen in university mathematics.

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