A collection of videos, examples, and experiments that are suitable for Biology.
Chemotaxis of Neutrophils
Human neutrophils are mobile cells that will quickly migrate to sites of injury to help fight infection. They are attracted there by chemical signals released by other cells of the immune system or by invading microbes.
In this experiment substance is released from micropipette that makes the neutrophils polarize and move towards that location.
Citric Acid Cycle
Overview of the Krebs or Citric Acid Cycle
This video explains the citric acid cycle step-by-step.
This video shows how clathrin molecules act to shape vesicles as they form.
Clathrin-mediated endocytosis This animation shows the process of clathrin-mediated endocytosis of transferrin receptors, focusing on the assembly and disassembly of the clathrin cage.
A single triskelion, which is approximately 100nm across at its widest point. Iron-bound transferrin is bound to its receptor on the exterior cell membrane. The transferrin receptor in turn binds to adaptor proteins in the interior of the cell, triggering the formation of a clathrin cage around the bound transferrin receptors.
Soon after the vesicle has budded off the membrane, clathrin cage disassembly begins. Disassembly is mediated by HSC70, and its cofactor auxilin. The animation takes place in “real time,” as clathrin cages have been observed to assemble in ~ 1 minute and disassemble in a few seconds after budding from the membrane. Endocytosis is the process by which cells are able to internalize membrane and extracellular materials through the formation of a vesicle.
The process of membrane budding to form a vesicle is generally mediated by a protein coat, which acts both as a means to deform the membrane and to concentrate specific types of proteins inside the nascent vesicle. Clathrin is a coat protein that has been shown to function in receptor-mediated endocytosis events at the plasma membrane.
What is Cancer?
Explains how damage to the DNA can create uncontrolled cell growth. Explains how malignant tumors can spread the disease throughout the body and gives possible treatments.
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