Bar Graph - Grade 2

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Examples, videos and solutions to help Grade 2 students learn how to draw and label a bar graph to represent data; relate the count scale to the number line.

Common Core Standards: 2.MD.10, 2.MD.6

New York State Common Core Math Grade 2, Module 7, Lesson 3

Worksheets for Grade 2

Topic A: Problem Solving with Categorical Data

NYS Math Grade 2 Module 7 Lesson 3

Lesson 3 Homework

  1. Complete the bar graph below using data provided in the table. Then answer the questions about the data.
    a. How many more animals have fur than shells?
    b. Which pair of categories has more, fur and feathers or shells and scales? How much more?
    c. Write and answer your own comparison question based on the data.
  2. Complete the bar graph below using data provided in the table.
    a. How many total animals are in the city shelter?
    b. How many more meat and plant eating animals are there than meat only?
    c. If 3 animals were removed from each category, how many animals would there be?
    d. Write your own comparison question based on the data and answer it.

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