These lessons help Grade 7 students learn how to find the area of shaded region involving polygons and circles.
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Grade 7 Math Lessons
Sometimes, you may be required to calculate the area of shaded regions. Usually, we would subtract the area of a smaller inner shape from the area of a larger outer shape in order to find the area of the shaded region. If any of the shapes is a composite shape then we would need to subdivide it into shapes that we have area formulas, like the examples below.
The following diagram gives an example of how to find the area of a shaded region. Scroll down the page for more examples and solutions.
Step 1: Find area of inner shape.
Step 2: Find area of outer shape.
Step 3: Area of shaded region = area of outer shape – area of inner shape
Example 2:
Find the area of the shaded region:
Step 1: Find area of inner square = 2 cm × 2 cm = 4 cm2
Step 2: Find area of outer shape = (2 cm × 3 cm) + (10 cm × 3 cm)
= 6 cm2 + 30 cm2
= 36 cm2
Step 3: Area of shaded region = area of outer shape – area of inner square
= 36 cm2 – 4 cm2
= 32 cm2
Worksheets On Finding Areas Of Shaded Regions
Involving Polygons
Circles And Polygons 1
Circles And Polygons 2
Circles And Polygons 3
Step 1: Find the area of the larger shape and the smaller shape.
Step 2: Subtract the areas.
Step 3: Write the units.
Some examples involving the area of triangles and circles. Also, some examples to find the area of a shaded region.
Determine a formula for the area of the orange shaded region.
In the figure, a circle is inscribed in a square.
a. Find the area of the circle.
b. Find the area of the shaded region.
In the diagram, the square ABCD is inscribed in circle O with diagonal AC = 8. Find the number of
square units in the area of the shaded region in terms of π.
Use area of sector and area of segment.
Viewed from the outside inward, the figure below depicts a square-circle-square-circle, each enclosed
within the other. If the area of square ABCD is 2 square units, then which of the following expresses
the area of the darkened corners of square EFGH?
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