Area & Perimeter of Rectangles (Grade 4)

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Videos, examples, solutions, and lessons to help Grade 4 students learn to apply the area and perimeter formulas for rectangles in real world and mathematical problems.

For example, find the width of a rectangular room given the area of the flooring and the length, by viewing the area formula as a multiplication equation with an unknown factor.

Common Core: 4.MD.3

Suggested Learning Targets

  • I can explain the area and perimeter formula.
  • I can use the formulas to solve problems.

Finding Perimeter & Unknown Measure (4.MD.3)

  1. Mr. Myers is planning to make a flower garden outside our classroom window. He wants the garden to be 16 feet long and 3 feet wide. If he decides to fence in this flower garden, how much fencing would Mr. Myers need?
  2. An outdoor deck is 7 feet wide. The perimeter of the deck is 64 feet. What is the length of the deck?
  3. Fred has 30 yards of border for his rectangular bulletin board. The bulletin board is 6 yards long. How wide is Fred’s bulletin board?

Area Formula for Square or Rectangle

Perimeter and Area of Squares and Rectangles
• Definitions of perimeter and area.
• How to find perimeter and area of squares and rectangles.
• Area formulas for squares and rectangles.
• Several examples narrated and explained.
• Each polygon or figure shown with square units.

Missing Lengths Given Area or Perimeter - 4.MD.3
In this video, students will learn to solve real world problems using the formulas for area and perimeter. This video relates to Common Core Standard 4.MD.3. Students learn to solve for a missing side given the perimeter or area.

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