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Multiple of a Number

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Common Core For Grade 4

Examples, solutions, and videos to help Grade 4 students learn how to determine whether a whole number is a multiple of another number.

Common Core Standards: 4.OA.4

New York State Common Core Math Grade 4, Module 3, Lesson 24

Worksheets for Grade 4

NYS Math Grade 4, Module 3, Lesson 24 Concept Development
Problem 1
Determine the meaning of the word multiple.
Problem 2
Determine if one number is a multiple of another number and list multiples of given numbers.
Problem 3
Use the associative property to see that any multiple of 6 is also a multiple of 3 and 2.

NYS Math Grade 4, Module 3, Lesson 24 Problem Set
1. For each of the following, time yourself for 1 minute. See how many multiples you can write.
a. Write the multiples of 5 starting from 100. Lesson 24 Problem Set
1. For each of the following, time yourself for 1 minute. See how many multiples you can write.
a. Write the multiples of 5 starting from 100.
b. Write the multiples of 4 starting from 20.
c. Write the multiples of 6 starting from 36.
2. List the numbers that have 24 as a multiple.
3. Use mental math, division, or the associate property to solve. (Use scratch paper if you like.)
a. Is 12 a multiple of 4? ______ Is 4 a factor of 12? _______
b. Is 42 a multiple of 8? ______ Is 8 a factor of 42? _______
c. Is 84 a multiple of 6? ______ Is 6 a factor of 84? _______
4. Can a prime number be a multiple of any other number except itself? Explain your reasons why.
5. Follow the directions below.
a. Circle in red the multiples of 2. When a number is a multiple of 2, what are the possible values for the ones digit?
b. Shade in green the multiples of 3. Choose one. What do you notice about the sum of the digits? Choose another. What do you notice about the sum of the digits?
c. Circle in blue the multiples of 5. When a number is a multiple of 5, what are the possible values for the ones digit?
d. Draw an X over the multiples of 10. What digit do all multiples of 10 have in common? What is the digit?

NYS Math Grade 4, Module 3, Lesson 24 Homework
1. For each of the following, time yourself for 1 minute. See how many multiples you can write.
a. Write the multiples of 5 starting from 75.
b. Write the multiples of 4 starting from 40.
c. Write the multiples of 6 starting from 24.
2. List the numbers that have 30 as a multiple.
3. Use mental math, division, or the associate property to solve. (Use scratch paper if you like.)
a. Is 12 a multiple of 3? ______ Is 3 a factor of 12? _______
b. Is 48 a multiple of 8? ______ Is 48 a factor of 8? _______
c. Is 56 a multiple of 6? ______ Is 6 a factor of 56? _______
4. Can a prime number be a multiple of any other number except itself? Explain your reasons why.
5. Follow the directions below.
a. Underline the multiples of 6. When a number is a multiple of 6, what are the possible values for the ones digit?
b. Draw a square around the multiples of 4. Look at the multiples of 4 that have an odd number in the tens place. What values do they have in the ones place?
c. Look at the multiples of 4 that have an even number in the tens place. What values do they have in the ones place? Do you think this pattern would continue with multiples of 4 that are larger than 100?
d. Circle the multiples of 9. Choose one. What do you notice about the sum of the digits? Choose another one. What do you notice about the sum of the digits?

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