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Enlargement and Scale Factors

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Examples, solutions, videos, activities and worksheets that are suitable for GCSE Maths.

How are the length, area and volume scale factors related?
When two objects are given to be mathematically similar then the length, area and volume scale factors are related as follows:
Length scale factor = k
Area scale factor = k2
Volume scale factor = k3

The following diagram shows the relationship between length scale factor, area scale factor and volume scale factor. Scroll down the page for more examples and solutions using scale factors.

Scale Factor

Length, Area and Volume scale factors
Using the relationship between length, area and volume scale factors to calculate the surface area of mathematically similar cones.

How to find the scale factor when a 2 dimensional or three dimensional shape is enlarged by a factor?
The area is increased by the square of the factor and the volume is increased by the cube of the factor
GCSE Maths - Scale Factor Enlargements of Solids (Similar Shapes)
Higher A Star OCR AQA Mathematically similar
How to use scale factor of enlargement of sides to work out new volumes and area?

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