Round to the Nearest Hundred

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Videos, examples, solutions, and lessons to help Grade 3 students learn how to round to the nearest hundred on the vertical number line.

Common Core Standards: 3.NBT.1, 3.MD.1, 3.MD.2

New York State Common Core Math Module 2, Grade 3, Lesson 14
Grade 3, Module 2, Lesson 14 (pdf)

Number that is halfway Worksheet Sprint A
Number that is halfway Worksheet Sprint B

Application Problem

Model the following on the place value chart:
1 tens
1 hundreds
13 tens
13 hundreds
13 tens and 8 ones
13 hundreds 8 tens 7 ones

Concept Development

We’ve practiced rounding numbers to the nearest ten. Today let’s find 132 grams rounded to the nearest hundred.

How many hundreds are in 132 grams? 1 hundred

Draw a tick mark near the bottom of the number line.
To the right, label it 100 = 1 hundred.

What is 1 more hundred? 2 hundredsDraw a tick mark near the top of the number line. To the right, label 200 = 2 hundreds.

What number is halfway between 100 and 200? 150! In unit form, what is the number halfway between 1 hundred and 2 hundreds? 1 hundred 5 tens.

Estimate to draw a tick mark halfway between 100 and 200. Label it 150 = 1 hundred 5 tens.

Look at your vertical number line, is 132 more than halfway or less than halfway between 100 and 200?
132 is less than halfway between 1 hundred and 2 hundreds.

132 rounded to the nearest hundred is? 100.
In unit form. : 1 hundred 3 tens 2 ones rounded to the nearest hundred is 1 hundred.


  1. Round to the nearest hundred. Use the number line to model your thinking.
    d. 804 ≈ _________
    f. 1260 ≈ __________
  2. c. A bottle of juice holds 386 milliliters. Round the capacity to the nearest 100 milliliters.

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