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Linear Model Equations

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Common Core for Grade 8
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Videos, solutions, examples, and lessons to help Grade 8 students learn how to use the equation of a linear model to solve problems in the context of bivariate measurement data, interpreting the slope and intercept. 

For example, in a linear model for a biology experiment, interpret a slope of 1.5 cm/hr as meaning that an additional hour of sunlight each day is associated with an additional 1.5 cm in mature plant height.

Common Core: 8.SP.3

Suggested Learning Targets

  • I can find the slope and intercept of a linear equation in the context of bivariate measurement data.
  • I can interpret the meaning of the slope and intercept of a linear equation in terms of the situation. (For example, in a linear model for a biology experiment, interpret a slope of 1.5 cm/hr as meaning that an additional hour of sunlight each day is associated with an additional 1.5 cm in mature plant height
  • I can solve problems using the equation of a linear model
Use linear model equations to solve problems in the context of bivariate data (8.SP.3)

Interpreting Scatter Plots Using Best Fit Lines (8.SP.3)
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8 SP 3 Linear Models 1
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