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Inverse Functions (Graph or Table)

Related Topics:
Common Core (Functions)
Common Core for Mathematics

Videos and lessons to help High School students learn how to find inverse functions.

C. Read values of an inverse function from a graph or a table, given that the function has an inverse.

Common Core: HSF-BF.B.4

Ex: Function and Inverse Function Values Using a Graph
This video explains how to determine function values and inverse function values using the graph of a function.
Ex: Function and Inverse Function Values Using a Table
This video explains how to determine function values and inverse function values using the table of values of a function. Ex: Find an Inverse Function From a Table
This video explains how to determine the inverse of a function when the original function is given in the form of a table.

Ex: Evaluate Composite Functions Using Tables of Values
This video provides 4 examples of evaluating composite function from the tables of values of two functions. Ex: Evaluate Composite Functions from Graphs
This video provides 4 examples of evaluating composite function from the graphing of the two functions. Inverse Functions from Tables, Coordinates, and Graphs
This video shows you how to find the inverse function from a table of values, a set of coordinates, and from a graph.

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