Fractions with Number Bonds

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Examples, videos, and solutions to help Grade 3 students learn how to represent parts of one whole as fractions with number bonds.

Common Core Standards: 3.NF.1, 3.NF.3c, 3.G.2

New York State Common Core Math Grade 3, Module 5, Lesson 8

Worksheets for Grade 3, Module 5, Lesson 8

The following diagram shows how to represent parts of one whole as fractions with number bonds. Scroll down the page for more examples and solutions.
Fractions and Number Bonds

Lesson 8 Application Problem
Mr. Schwartz went to a coffee shop before school. He spent 1 sixth of his money on a coffee and 1 sixth of his money on a bagel with cream cheese.
How much of his money did Mr. Schwartz spend before school?

Lesson 8 Concept Development
Write a number bond decomposing 4 into 4 ones.
Show another number bond decomposing 4 into 2 parts, one of which is composed of 3 ones.
Both bonds are different ways of showing the same number, 4.

Write a number bond decomposing 1 into 4 unit fractions.
Show another number bond decomposing 1 into 2 parts, one part of which is composed of 3 copies of the unit fraction.

Lesson 8 Problem Set

1 - 4. Show a number bond representing what is shaded and unshaded in each of the figures. Draw a different visual model that would be represented by the same number bond.

5. Draw a number bond with 2 parts showing the shaded and unshaded fractions of each figure. Decompose both parts of the number bond into unit fractions.

6. The chef put 1/4 of the meat on the grill to make one burger and put the rest in the refrigerator. Draw a 2-part number bond showing the fraction of the meat on the grill and the fraction in the refrigerator. Draw a visual model of all the meat. Shade what is in the refrigerator.
a. What fraction of the meat was in the refrigerator?
b. How many other such burgers can the chef make from what is in the refrigerator?
c. Show the refrigerated meat broken into unit fractions on your number bond.

Lesson 8 Homework

Show a number bond representing what is shaded and unshaded in each of the figures. Draw a different visual model that would be represented by the same number bond.
Questions 2 and 4

5. Draw a number bond with 2 parts showing the shaded and unshaded fractions of each figure. Decompose both parts of the number bond into unit fractions.

Lesson 8 Homework

Show a number bond representing what is shaded and unshaded in each of the figures. Draw a different visual model that would be represented by the same number bond. (Question 1)

6. Johnny made a square peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He ate 1/3 of it and left the rest on his plate. Draw a picture of Johnny’s sandwich. Shade the part he left on his plate then draw a number bond that matches what you drew. What part of his sandwich did Johnny leave on his plate?

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