Division of a Fraction by a Fraction

Videos and solutions to help Grade 6 students use visual models such as fraction bars and area models to show the division of fractions by fractions with common denominators and different denominators.

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New York State Common Core Math Grade 6, Module 2, Lesson 4

Worksheets for Grade 6

Lesson 4 Student Outcomes

  • Students use visual models such as fraction bars and area models to show the division of fractions by fractions with common denominators.
  • Students make connections between visual models and multiplication of fractions.

Lesson 4 Classwork

Lesson 4 Opening Exercise

Write at least three equivalent fractions for each fraction below. Be sure to show how the two fractions are related.
a. 2/3
b. 10/12

Example 1
Molly purchased 11/8 cups of strawberries. She eats 2/8 in a serving. How many servings did Molly purchase?
Use a model to prove your answer.

Example 2
Now imagine that Molly’s friend Xavier purchased 11/8 cups of strawberries and that he eats 3/4 cup servings. How many servings has he purchased?
Use a model to prove your answer.

Example 3
Find the quotient: 3/4 ÷ 2/3. Use a model to show your answer.

Lesson 4 Exit Ticket
Draw a model to support your answer to the division questions.

  1. 9/4 ÷ 3/8
  2. 3/5 ÷ 2/3

Problem Set
Calculate the quotient. If needed, draw a model.

  1. 8/9 ÷ 4/9
  2. 9/10 ÷ 4/10
  3. 3/5 ÷ 1/3
  4. 3/4 ÷ 1/5

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